
  • Every fortnight the corpse grows by a verse. Weekly deadlines are 4AM PST Monday, sharp.
  • During the first week of the cycle, submissions are accepted. During the second week, submissions are voted on. The winner officially becomes part of the song.
  • Due to the storytelling nature of the song, submissions for a previous cycle will not be considered for an upcoming cycle. Sorry.
  • Watsky reserves the right to strike down submissions that are hateful or otherwise unworthy of the corpse. Should Watsky die, the earliest living contributor to the corpse will become Steward of the Corpse.
  • Create a login by clicking the button in the top left corner of the page to download and upload audio. You are responsible for recording your own verse.
  • The only reward for submitting to the infinite corpse is infinite glory. The infinite corpse will never be monetized. A corpse has no use for money.
  • The verse is to be 16 bars long. Do your best to get good audio quality. Storytelling is encouraged but there are no content rules. Be creative. Lead us further. Let the crowd decide.

play   Watch the intro video

The Week

Listen to this week’s submissions and vote. You hold the power.


Voting ends February 17.
Vote up the exquisite!

  • info

    No submissions available yet.